Streamline your firefighting operations with StationOne

StationOne Hero Image
Philosophy: Simplicity, Best Practices and High Performance

Platform Overview

Streamline your firefighting operations

StationOne offers a range of features and tools to assist firefighters in both daily operations and while managing large-scale complex incidents.


Pre-Plans are an integral part of fire fighting operations but easily become out of date. Pre-Plans are typically paper documents, manually reviewed and subject to damage or loss.


Allow businesses, residents and stakeholders to update critical information regarding their fire plans that is shared with fire services in real-time.

Operational & Briefings

Paper based documentation is still widely used operationally. This creates an administrative burden and generates "information silos" risking crew safety.

Command & Control

Size up your incident and ensure everyone is on the same page, a single source of truth is shared in real- time, up and down the chain of command.

Improved Efficiency

Reduce time to complete required tasks, encouraging, introducing rigid process and automation of routine maintenance and compliance reporting.

Equipment Management

Equipment and Asset tracking is often done manually, this can be a time consuming process that is error prone. Leading to equipment getting lost or vital repairs getting overlooked.

Be prepared

Incident Pre-Plans

Critical information when you need it

Building comprehensive pre-plans with business, property and other stakeholders allows stationone to arm first responders with live real-time situational intelligence before, during and after any incident.

Ensure everyone has the same information

All supporting appliances have a real-time, up to date version of the pre-plan providing them vital information en-route to the incident.

Get an overview of the incident en-route

Ensure crews are familiar with the site plan, potential exposures, identify utlities isolation and fire service equipment.

Plan your initial attack

Annotate the location map and share with all appliances en-route, detailing how initial attack crews will enter the premises and manage the incident.

Engage your community


Collaborate with your community

Community Hub enables first responders to obtain valuable information about private and it risk residence.
Residents can add information to their property portfolio empowering local property owners to assist in hazard assessment and response capabilities.

Identify critical infrastructure on the property

Locate utility and PV isolation points

Understand occupancy and property use

Ensure properties are prepared for fire

Designate and Share areas of refuge

Share key emergency contacts

Be Informed

Size Up

Provide a detailed incident overview

Leverage LiDAR and AI Technology to scan an incident scene and dynamically build your size up, recognise hazards, obtain measurements, flag exposures and share the size up with your crew in real time.

LiDAR Technology

Size Up leverages your device LiDAR Sensors to scan the incident scene, coupled with AI to process the data and paint a realistic overview of the incident scene.

Leverage your pre-plans

StationOne will leverage data about the site that may be captured in incident pre-plans or CommunityHub and pair this with realtime data obtained on scene.

Make Strategic Decisions

Combine all your data together to make strategic decisions to combat the incident, knowing all other crews responding to the incident have the same information in real-time.

Join our

StationOne is still under active development, we are working hard to make our initial release available soon.

Join our waitlist to receive early access and updates about our initial release.


StationOne Features

StationOne offers a range of features and tools to assist firefighters in both daily operations and while managing large-scale complex incidents.


Develop, share and collaborate on pre-plans for significant risks.

Community Hub

Engage with the community to ensure they are fire safe and prepared.

Size Up

Use LiDAR and AI Technology to perform an incident size up and share with your crews.

Water Points

Locate static water sources, maintained by fire stations and property owners.

Hose Manager

Manage your hose inventory including full service history and locations.


Equipment inventory, auditing and fault reporting.

Radio Simulator

Train new recruits in our advanced radio simulator.

Crew Manager

Roster and manage duty crews and their tasks or build task forces.


Generate and share industry standard briefings electronically.

Get in Touch

Contact StationOne

Do you want to know more about StationOne? Have questions or feedback on StationOne features? Interested in investing? Let's talk!


Streamline your firefighting operations.

Melbourne Victoria, Australia
+61 438011814

StationOne will never share your personal information, you can read more in our Privacy Policy